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Spring Cleaning Safety Checklist

When making a spring cleaning checklist, you will likely come up with a number of items that will spruce up your home. What you may not include on that list are things that will improve your safety. Here are some spring cleaning chores you should not neglect to do in order to keep everyone in your household safe.

1. Check Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Smoke detectors should be checked at least twice each year. Using a can of smoke detector test aerosol, spray a fine mist just in front of each smoke detector, then wait to see if an alarm sounds. Once you have deter­mined that it is operating properly, press and hold the test button to check the battery strength.

Carbon monoxide detectors on the other hand should be checked by a profes­sional, as there are no accurate home tests. You can, however, check the strength of your batteries by pressing and holding the test button to check for a beep. If your carbon monoxide detector is more than five years old, you should consider replacing it.

You may want to consider monitored smoke and carbon monoxide detectors that add an extra level of protection for you and your family.

2. Check Fire Extinguishers

Your next line of defense against a home fire is a working fire extin­guisher. Check the expiration date on your fire extin­guisher, and recharge or replace as needed. You should also make sure your fire extin­guisher is mounted in an easily acces­sible location and that there are no obstruc­tions surrounding it. Be sure that each member of your family knows how to use it properly.

3. Update First Aid and Bug Out” Kits

Now is the time to thoroughly check your home’s first aid kit for items that are missing or have expired so that you can replenish them. Your first aid kit should also contain over-the-counter medica­tions for diarrhea and headaches, in addition to a good supply of bandages, medical tape, gauze, etc.

You should do the same check-up with your bug-out bag, or create one if you haven’t done so already. What is a bug-out bag? It is a portable emergency kit that contains all essen­tials items necessary to survive for at least 72 hours in an emergency or disaster scenario. At a minimum, you should have enough non-perishable food items and water for each of your family members to survive for three days. Important items which should also be included in this bag are first aid supplies, a whistle, a flash­light, batteries, and a battery operated radio. 

4. Review Emergency Preparedness Plans

Your emergency preparedness plan may no longer be effective if your circum­stances have recently changed. You may also have forgotten what was in your plan if it has been some time since you last looked at it. Go over your plan with your family and update infor­mation to ensure that it is accurate and that everyone thoroughly under­stands how it is supposed to work.

5. Clean out your Medicine Chest

Many of the drugs inside your medicine chest may have expired along with your first aid supplies. These medicines should be disposed of by contacting your local pharmacy or poison control center, as many of them cannot be simply thrown in the trash or flushed down the toilet.

6. Replace Filters

Replacing the air filters in your HVAC and air-filtration systems will help you better manage the allergens that are so prevalent during springtime. You may find that a great deal of dust and debris have accumu­lated during the winter months, in which case changing the filters on your range hood, vacuum, and refrig­erator are recom­mended as well.

7. Schedule a Check-up for Pets

Flowers aren’t the only things coming back to life in Spring. Fleas and ticks begin to flourish with the coming of spring weather. Now is the best time to schedule your annual check-up for your furry family members to make sure they are staying nice and healthy! You should include year-round preventive heart-worm medication, as well as flea and tick control medication in this visit. This should help keep both your pets and your home pest free!

After performing these chores, be sure to contact Bates Security for a home security evalu­ation. We can help you identify things that might be compro­mising your security, and then come up with practical solutions for solving them.