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Spring Care For Your Pets

kitten patting a flower

No matter how much we think of them as family members, animals have different needs than people. As your family moves through the seasons of each year, you need to react to your pet’s changing needs.


Spring is a very beautiful time of year. However, spring allergies and hay fever may cause animals to scratch, check and lick themselves. If a pet does these things, consider visiting the veterinarian.

Also of concern during the spring time is the potential consumption of bulbs and plants, many of which may be poisonous to pets. Again, anytime you observe you pet eating plants or other non-food material, a call to either your local pet poison center or to your veteri­narian is in order.

Finally, in most locations fleas and ticks begin to be a problem for outdoor pets. Be sure to check with the veteri­narian a bout protecting pets with the appro­priate treatment.


Thunder­storms can happen during any season, but are more prevalent during warmer months. Many animals are frightened by the noise and lights associated with the storm. There are several simple steps that you can take to help your pet stay calm. First, don’t reward your pet for acting scared. If he weathers the storm calmly, provide him with a treat and praise. Do offer him a hiding spot, he will feel more secure in a padded pet crate or under a piece of furniture.

Be Aware

No matter what season of the year, it’s important to be sure that you know where your pet is. Whether it’s holiday confusion, the bustle of summer or a dash through spring showers, it’s easy for your pet to slip outdoors without your knowledge. Install a chime system, or use the chime feature on your security system, so that you know when your door is opened and check to be sure your pet is secure.

Pet Sitting

If you need to leave your pet with a sitter, either for vacation or on a regular basis because of work sched­uling, have your pet’s emergency numbers and infor­mation available. From the Vet’s name and phone number to your pet’s breed and weight, having this infor­mation readily available will put your mind at ease in the event of an emergency.

You may want to consider a service like Bates Security's Bates Connect. With Bates Connect, you can see what your pet is doing from your PC, smart phone or tablet via home video cameras. Knowing that your pet is being well cared for can greatly enhance your Peace of Mind.