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Keep Your Pet Safe During Cold Weather

People are not the only ones affected by colder temper­a­tures, as your pets can be bothered by them as well. Taking a few proactive measures will ensure your pets are as safe as possible now that cooler weather is upon us.

Flea and Tick Control

Many people mistakenly believe that flea and tick control is something they do not need to worry about during autumn and winter. The fact is that ticks often like to burrow inside piles of leaves, which means your cat or dog could be even more suscep­tible to them this time of year. Fleas may also thrive in your pet’s bed or the carpeting of your home, making it possible for your animal to become infested year round. Some ways you can prevent a flea and tick infes­tation are:

  • Continuing to admin­ister flea and tick repellent
  • Performing frequent bathing and brushing
  • Washing your pet’s bedding in hot water on a regular basis
  • Shampooing carpet to remove fleas and their larvae

Be Mindful of Hazards

Certain pesti­cides and chemicals are used more often in fall, many of which can be dangerous to pets. A few of these pesti­cides include:

  • Anti-freeze
  • Rat poison
  • Spray foam insulation
  • De-icing salts

Any time you are using these chemicals, you should take extra precau­tions to ensure your pet does not come into contact with them. If you do suspect that your pet has ingested a harmful substance, please contact your veteri­narian or an animal poison control center immediately.

Use Caution Outdoors

Damp, cool weather poses its own threats to your pet’s safety. For example, certain mushrooms are more likely to grow during the rainy days of fall. Many of these mushrooms are attractive to animals, yet can be deadly if they are swallowed. For this reason, you should check your yard carefully for signs of unusual mushrooms, and eradicate them before your pet stumbles across them. It may also be tempting to dress your pet in fuzzy sweaters to help him or her stay warm. This can actually increase your animal’s odds of devel­oping frostbite if the sweater becomes wet and stays against the skin for too long after­wards. To prevent frostbite, your animal should never wear a sweater outdoors during rainy or snowy weather.

Bring your Pet Indoors

Just because your pet has a fur coat does not mean it is acceptable to leave your dog outdoors. Short-haired dogs and brachy­cephalic or short-nosed breeds are extremely suscep­tible to cold temper­a­tures. For this reason, Animal Planet recom­mends bringing dogs indoors any time the temper­ature reaches 40 degrees Fahrenheit or lower. You should also be on the lookout for signs of hypothermia, which may include excessive shivering, lethargy, and a loss of motor skills.

The down side to keeping your pets indoors is that the odds of them experi­encing a fire are much greater. One of the best ways to keep your pets safe is with a security system from Bates Security. Our home security systems provide quick response in the event of a fire to ensure your companion animals the best possible odds of being rescued. You can even watch your pet via your smart phone simply by installing our plug and play camera systems. Contact us today for a consul­tation or to learn more about how a security system could benefit your entire family, including your pets.