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Protecting Open-Lot Businesses: Security Systems for Florida’s Unique Needs

Open-lot businesses need dependable security to protect assets and property. Whether you need truck yard security solutions, access control for storage units, or construction site security services, call Bates Security.

Keep reading to learn more about:

  • Security challenges for open-lot businesses in Florida
  • Video surveil­lance solutions for open-lot protection
  • Access control for limited entry points
  • Remote monitoring and alarm systems for enhanced safety 
  • How Bates Security can help

Bates Security is ready to become your trusted partner with innov­ative security solutions.

Protect Your Business With Bates Security Today

Get ready for award-winning business security solutions backed by 24/7 wireless monitoring. Our customers sleep easy at night knowing that their video surveillance services are supported by local customer service that cares.

Security Challenges for Open-Lot Businesses in Florida

Open-lot businesses like construction sites, self-storage units, truck yards, and car dealer­ships require extra security consid­er­a­tions, including:

  • Weather condi­tions. Florida’s often unpre­dictable weather, including hurri­canes, storms, and high humidity, can damage or destroy electrical compo­nents for video security systems in open lots.
  • Theft and vandalism. Open-lot businesses are at increased risk of theft and vandalism due to the inventory being easily accessible.
  • After-hours risks. Once a business closes up for the night, it can attract criminals looking to cause trouble undetected. 24/7 security solutions help mitigate this risk.

Video Surveillance Solutions for Open Lot Protection

Video security systems allow for monitoring of as much or as little of your property as necessary. We provide video surveil­lance solutions with:

  • High-resolution cameras. High-resolution surveil­lance cameras can provide clear footage, even in large outdoor areas. With crisp images of criminals causing problems, it becomes easier to identify who was respon­sible for the damage or loss that occurred. These can be especially useful as part of construction site security systems.
  • Weather-resistant equipment. Weather-resistant equipment like water­proof cameras helps keep your security running smoothly, even during active storms, meaning your construction site security monitoring continues through the wind and rain.
  • Remote monitoring. The ability to monitor a property remotely with video surveil­lance allows business owners to watch their property from anywhere in the world, as long as they have a proper internet connection and a compatible device.

Access Control for Limited Entry Points

Open lots can still be secured through access control. By limiting entry points onto your property, you can make it harder for criminals to disrupt business opera­tions. We handle access control with:

  • Gated-entry systems. Allowing access to your property only through gated entries limits movement and makes it easier to secure your property. Our gated-entry systems help keep unautho­rized vehicles and people out. For example, this can provide storage unit access control, allowing only employees and those with business on the property entry.
  • Keycard or fob access. These tools provide control over access to restricted areas that might attract thieves or criminals. Only those with the appro­priate creden­tials can access the space, making these partic­u­larly beneficial for self-storage security solutions.
  • Visitor tracking. Visitor tracking allows businesses to track the movements of those on the premises.

Remote Monitoring and Alarm Systems for Enhanced Safety

Even the best business owners and managers can’t remain on-site 24/7. Fortu­nately, remote monitoring provides you with constant access to your property. Remote monitoring can also benefit your business with:

  • 24/7 profes­sional monitoring. Construction site security cameras aren’t always enough. Investing in 24/7 profes­sional monitoring ensures there’s always a set of eyes on your property, ready to react and send the appro­priate author­ities to respond when something goes awry.
  • Integrated alarm systems. It’s possible to integrate alarm systems into your video surveil­lance, ensuring rapid incident response.
  • Real-time alerts. Real-time alerts keep you informed about your property’s security at all times. Any time something needs attention, an alert can be sent directly to your mobile device, ensuring you can act quickly.

How Bates Security Can Help

Do you need security solutions for your open-lot business? Bates Security gets the job done, whether we’re creating car dealership security systems or helping protect your construction site. Trust the company founded by a police officer who under­stands how criminals think and act. With a custom-designed video security system for your business, you can rest assured that your assets are protected.

Guard Your Assets Day and Night With Bates Security!

With video surveillance services provided by Bates Security, your open-lot business in Florida is protected around the clock. Invest in the police-trusted security. Call today for your custom video security system.