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7 Network Protection Services You Should Get For Your Georgia Business

A woman standing in a server room, looking at and holding an opened laptop in her right hand while using the keyboard with her left hand.

With the increasing number of threats that exist in the digital world, businesses can no longer afford to take network security lightly. The good news is that network protection services are available to help Georgia businesses safeguard sensitive data, maintain regulatory compliance, and protect their devices, opera­tions, and reputation.

Whether you’re concerned about unautho­rized access, data breaches, or other security threats, network protection services will provide peace of mind that your business can run smoothly and success­fully, without fear of financial losses or customer trust. 

Let’s explore this topic further by detailing 7 network protection services you should get for your Georgia business:

  1. Managed IT Services
  2. Technology as a Service (TaaS)
  3. Desktop as a Service (DaaS)
  4. Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity
  5. VoIP Phone Systems
  6. Office 365 Administration
  7. Managed Print Services

Get strategic advice from Georgia’s most trusted name in network protection: Bates Security.

For more than 50 years, Bates Security has remained vigilant about security– including the online realm. If you’re looking to protect your Georgia business from cyber attacks and safeguard your critical data and infrastructure, contact our experts at (800) 403-9471 or click below to schedule a free consultation.

Managed IT Services

Businesses, small and large, can benefit from managed IT services like service desk support and remote monitoring. 

For example, by having a team of experts handle every­thing from setting up new hardware and software to monitoring networks, responding to potential security threats, and providing ongoing support for employees, you can save a lot of time and money on staffing. Plus, remote management conserves office space.

Additionally, most managed IT services have predictable pricing, so there’s never a surprise bill when you least expect it. And since most providers offer 24/7 network protection 365 days per year, you can expect faster response times when issues arise. With less downtime, you can redirect valuable resources to core business activ­ities, saving you even more money.

Technology as a Service (TaaS)

Technology as a Service (TaaS) is a subscription-based model that allows businesses to outsource their technology needs to a third-party provider. TaaS providers offer a range of technology services, including hardware and software procurement, instal­lation, mainte­nance, and support.

This model can provide Georgia businesses with many benefits, such as access to the latest technology, reduced upfront costs, and predictable expenses. TaaS providers also help businesses stay up-to-date with the latest security protocols and industry standards, which can help prevent data breaches and other cyber attacks.

Desktop as a Service (DaaS)

When you want the benefits of the latest technology without the upkeep, consider desktop as a service (DaaS) support. 

DaaS providers offer virtual desktops, which are hosted in the cloud and accessed remotely from any device with an Internet connection. They can also handle all aspects of desktop management, including hardware mainte­nance, software updates, and security patches.

By lever­aging DaaS, businesses can streamline their IT opera­tions, reduce hardware costs, and increase flexi­bility, scala­bility, and security.

Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity

Does your business have a plan to recover from unexpected events like natural disasters, fires, cyber-attacks, or equipment failures? Disrup­tions in opera­tions can be costly, both finan­cially and to your reputation, so it’s important to prepare ahead of time. 

That said, you might not know where to start– or you perhaps haven’t even thought about it yet. By partnering with a reputable provider of disaster recovery and business conti­nuity services, you can benefit from access to the latest technologies and expertise, without having to invest in expensive hardware and staff. 

For example, Bates offers 24/7 fire alarm monitoring. If our profes­sionals detect a potential fire hazard, we’ll immedi­ately alert the fire department on your behalf. Furthermore, fire alarm systems can be integrated with your access control system, which can automat­i­cally open certain normally locked doors to help anyone inside your building escape safely outside. This kind of plan is crucial not just for the safety of your employees, but also for preventing inventory damage and building repairs.

Overall, disaster recovery and business conti­nuity services are essential for any business that wants to ensure its long-term success by minimizing downtime and quickly getting back to serving their customers.

VoIP Phone Systems

Unlike tradi­tional phone systems, VoIP phone systems use an Internet connection to make and receive calls. Standing for Voice Over Internet Protocol,” these systems also offer call forwarding, voicemail, conference calling, and video confer­encing, making it easier to commu­nicate and collab­orate with team members and customers remotely.

In the modern era of remote work, this provides increased flexi­bility and scala­bility for businesses. Moreover, VoIP phone systems can provide signif­icant cost savings by elimi­nating the need for tradi­tional and expensive hardware and phone lines.

Office 365 Administration

Most modern businesses use Microsoft Office to perform everyday tasks like creating spread­sheets, typing up documents, and answering emails. But managing licenses, devices, logins, password resets, and other technical issues can be a hassle that detracts from productivity. 

The good news is that a managed IT provider like Bates Security can help. Office 365 admin­is­tration will keep employees on-task with a support ticket system that provides quick, easy solutions to time-sensitive problems and fast password resets if they’re locked out at important times. Other benefits of using these services include improved security, predictable subscription costs, and customized storage for email and documents.

Managed Print Services

Let’s face it — printer management costs most businesses lots of time and money. Managed print services that provide mainte­nance, support, and even supplies via managed IT services can help ease the stress (and cost) of dealing with multiple printers on your own.

Benefits of using managed print services span far beyond monetary savings — they also include improved control over an often-overlooked security issue. Printers are open endpoints on your network, thus making them vulnerable to an outside attack that lets intruders into your core systems. Live reporting shows you where all your printer resources go, while 24/7 support ensures employees always have access to prints when they need it.

Keep your Georgia business safe and secure. Contact Bates Security for trustworthy network protection services.

Don't wait for a cyber attack to hit your business. Protect your sensitive data and critical infrastructure with network protection services from Bates Security. Our team of experts will develop a customized security plan that fits your unique business needs. That way, you have peace of mind and can focus on what matters most: serving your customers.

Call us at (800) 403-9471 or click below to schedule a free consultation today.