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Summer Security Tips and Tricks You Need To Know

woman with arms cross in flower shop smiling

Summer weather is quickly approaching, which means more daylight, warmer temper­a­tures, and thunder­storms. During these beautiful days, it can be easy to get distracted and lose focus on the security of your business’s property or employees. We’ve put together a list of five things to be mindful of during these warm summer months.

1. Check your windows and doors!

On the sunniest summer days, it can be tempting to open the windows to listen to the singing birds and brighten your day! While we are all for a healthy dose of sunshine-induced serotonin, we recommend you set a reminder on your phone or tablet to remind you to close and lock any windows you open up during the day when you close at the end of the day. Opening the windows to let in a breeze and listen to the birds singing is a great way to brighten your day. This also includes any windows above the ground-level. No matter what floor the window is on, burglars will get creative and force entry if they see an opening.

Keep this in mind for doors as well! Any entry, but especially those propped open to let the breeze in, can be tempting for a burglar if left open. Remind your employees to close both doors and windows at the end of the day. Never be afraid to educate your staff on the impor­tance of closing and locking doors and windows, especially if they’re typically the last people there.

2. Trim the bushes

As a business owner, gardening is probably low on your list of concerns on a day-to-day basis. However, it’s so important to stay on top of pruning, not just for curb appeal but also for security’s sake. Overgrown greenery can create a cover and hiding spot for burglars. Not just with shrubs, but also trees. Low hanging branches can be a perfect entry to the top floor for any agile burglar. Cutting greenery back reduces the chance of them being used to infil­trate your building.

3. Light up your exterior!

One of the biggest deter­rents for a burglar is light. Being seen is just too risky. However, just because the daylight is hanging around longer doesn’t mean you’re protected. Exterior lights on a daily timer are a great, cost-effective way to deter burglars from your home or business.

4. Be mindful of what you post online

It can be tempting to post all of the fun stuff happening around your business, such as a remodel or even closing early for holidays. However, it’s important to remember that thieves are on social media too. Whatever you post can be used to alert a thief to a potential oppor­tunity. This isn’t meant to scare you, but to remind you to practice internet safety, even with your business. This is also important to keep in mind for personal posting, if you’re planning a two-week getaway to Europe, don’t post the exact dates on your social media. That’s just inviting trouble.

5. Partner with a trusted local security provider

Finally, you should consider utilizing a local security company to provide you with video surveil­lance, access control, profes­sional monitoring, and a certified fire alarm system. At first, it may seem like the better option would be a larger nationwide security provider. However, one thing that often suffers when choosing a national security provider instead of a local provider, is the local awareness. For example, a national security provider won’t know your local city’s weather patterns and may not have the proper setup for your cameras! When you go with a local provider, they know your area just as well as you do, if not more. They also can come out to your location and walk the property with you to make sure you get exactly what you need instead of a one-size-fits-all do-it-yourself option. A local security expert can be on-site and ready to go the extra mile to ensure your organi­za­tion’s safety and security. And, local security providers like Bates Security will also offer a more customized solution, specific to your business or home, budget, and needs. We offer customized security solutions from locations of every size. We can assess the risk to your property and work with you to create a security service that works for you and your budget.