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Network Security is a Necessity for Businesses

typing on a laptop with network security

It’s no secret that our world relies heavily on internet-connected devices. We use them to work, shop, play games, bank, and socialize. Most, if not all, the valuable infor­mation in the world is stored in internet-connected networks that are heavily protected with layers of network security to reduce the risk of data breaches. Here are the facts that every business owner needs to know about network security, and why it’s a necessity to conduct business today. 

What is Network Security and Why Does Your Business Need It?

Network security is any system, device, or action designed to protect the safety and relia­bility of a network and its data. Think of it as a padlock on a locker or a fence around private property. In this digital world, many people and businesses store a lot of valuable infor­mation on their devices. Most devices are backed up to a network. Network protection is another layer you can add to your security system to cover your businesses’ most critical digital assets from hackers or viruses. 

How does Network Security work?

Typically, network security starts with authen­ti­cation in the form of a username and password (like you would use to log in to any computer or account). Still, it can also deploy other tools like antivirus programs, firewalls, and virtual private networks (VPNs) to protect all infor­mation that passes through the network. So, now that you know what network security is, how can it benefit your business?

Network Security Minimizes Risks

Using network security will help your network stay up to date with business and government regula­tions. If you were to get compro­mised, network protection would minimize the financial impact of the data breach. According to a study by IBM in 2019, the cost of a data breach has risen 12% over the past 5‑years, and now costs $3.92 million on average. The cost can be that high, even for a small business. So adequate network security isn’t just a peace of mind investment; it’s a financial investment as well. 

Building and Maintaining Trust

When a client uses a secure network, the client’s infor­mation is protected. Knowing this, using network protection boosts consumer’s trust in your company, meanwhile protecting you from the legal fallout if a breach were to occur.

Valuable Tools Used with Network Security

One thing that is important when creating a network security plan is to equip it with the tools you need to protect all your data. When you partner with a trusted network security provider, like Heron Managed Services, our sister company, you can customize these tools to match your needs. Let’s go over some of the necessary tools you’ll need.

  • Wireless Security: Wireless security is any measure taken to protect against vulner­a­bil­ities created from installing wireless systems, especially with wireless local area networks (LAN).
  • Antivirus and Malware: Malware, short for malicious software,” is like a chameleon, able to camou­flage itself enough to attack your network and take you by surprise. Malware can take on several forms, such as trojans, worms, viruses, Trojans, spyware, or ransomware. Some malware acts immedi­ately, stealing all your infor­mation and sometimes demanding money to get that infor­mation back (often seen with ransomware). Still, many types of malware lie dormant, secretly filtering through your data. The best antivirus or anti-malware programs contin­u­ously monitor the network for suspi­cious behavior and anomalies to help mitigate risk and protect against threats.
  • Access Control: Did you think Access Control was only for doors and gates? Think again. Access control can be utilized within Network Protection. Your network will have many visitors, but it would only make sense that not every visitor has the same level of access. Much like access control with doors, the admin­is­trator will need to recognize each user and each divide. Then you can limit access to only known users and devices and block or limit access to unrec­og­nized devices and users.
  • Cloud Security: Moving to a cloud has several benefits, such as efficiency, reduced costs, integrated tools, and increased collab­o­ration. A cloud works very well for companies that utilize remote work. However, the benefits do come with challenges. Because users can connect with the internet directly, it’s harder for IT profes­sionals to see what the employees are doing. This can increase the risk of data being exposed. It’s imper­ative to find a cloud that includes encryption and data management.
  • Mobile Device Security: As the modern workplace is evolving, one thing that companies are embracing is the use of personal devices for work use. This presents new challenges to security admin­is­trators: mobile device security performs an essential task by identi­fying vulnerable mobile networks and limiting access to systems, including preventing hackers from accessing these networks.
  • Email Security: Email security is the most common threat to your data integrity. Email security hackers have evolved in their tactics since consumers have grown smarter. These attackers use customization and intriguing subject lines to catch someone’s attention. One-click is all it takes to deceive recip­ients into accepting phishing campaigns, downloading malware, and following suspi­cious links. Thank­fully, email security appli­ca­tions block incoming attacks, filter potential threats, and prevent outgoing emails from sharing certain data and spreading malware through users’ contact lists.

How Can We Help?

Bates Security partners with our sister company Heron Managed Services for all of our clients’ network security needs. Heron Managed Services provides businesses with 24/7/365 peace of mind, freeing you to focus on the day-to-day demands of your business. Bates Security works with Heron Managed Services to offer a variety of budget-friendly network security options to fit your exact needs.