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Crime Prevention Month

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Crime is every­where, no matter which state, city, or neigh­borhood you live in. Some type of crime is committed everyday. In 1984, the National Crime Prevention Councildeemed October National Crime Prevention Month. This yearly event has bought a focus on educating the public and recog­nizing those that help keep our commu­nities safe.

Why is Crime Prevention Month Important?

Crime Prevention Month gives government agencies, schools, businesses, civic groups and youth organi­za­tions, the chance to become educated on matters that relate to their commu­nity’s safety. This may include education on areas such as internet safety, personal safety and violent crimes, school bullying and physical safety, and home and neigh­borhood safety.

The focus of Crime Prevention Month is to bring awareness to the crimes of the past and how each of us can prevent future crimes on a personal level. Prevention is about building strong partner­ships throughout a community; putting things in place to make a community safer, and even volun­teering to help this happen. Crime Prevention Month is a chance to cover topics that may not get covered in every day life, building strong connec­tions to help keep neigh­bor­hoods safer. Crime Prevention Month is a great time to bring everyone in the community together, forming new relation­ships and helping to prevent crime throughout the whole country.

How You Can Celebrate Crime Prevention Month

The National Crime Prevention Council offers a large range of resources that can help you hold events during October. From their Crime Prevention kits, flyers, and posters to community organi­za­tions and emergency respondent appre­ci­ation, the National Crime Prevention Council can help you come up with ideas on how you can get involved. Involving children and youth in the community is an important step as it helps to build crime prevention at an early age.

These four event ideas can help you bring awareness to Crime Prevention Month:

  • Hold a compe­tition to help get children involved, such as the coloring contest on your Facebook page!
  • Organize a Home Owner’s Associ­ation meeting about Crime Prevention.
  • Help organize a town celebration and invite police and other emergency respon­dents to participate.
  • Start a program in your local schools such as the Be Safe and Sound in School initiative.

You can find an abundance of ideas, infor­mation, and supple­ments, that can help you to create the perfect celebration in your city here.

Crime Prevention Month is a great time to emphasize what is happening in your community. It is a time that brings residents and organi­za­tions together to help lower crime rates and make neigh­bor­hoods across America, safer places to live and thrive in.