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Bank On Security With Bates

You know the threats when working with cash – robberies, burglaries, vandalism, false ATM trans­ac­tions, and internal theft. 

Bates Security is proud to work with local banks and has a program specif­i­cally tailored to the needs of the financial services industry. Whether you operate a credit union with a few locations or a regional bank, Bates Security custom designs each system to your specific needs and makes it easy to implement multiple services. 

False alarms cost financial institutions thousands each year.

Using verified technology, Bates Security delivers ultimate protection with low false alarms, light­ening-quick police responses, and high appre­hension rates. 

The biggest source of loss & shrinkage is from employee theft.

(Source: US Department of Justice)

Preventing employee theft in the workplace can be easy with today’s technology. The best way to prevent internal crime is putting your workplace under surveil­lance. Whether you need video surveil­lance, access control or both we have you covered and offer 24/7 monitoring so you can put your focus on other areas of your business. 

With access control, you can limit where employees can roam and see when and where they go. By controlling door access, you limit liability and ensure the safety of customers and employees. Quickly remove access from former employees and manage your business’ lock/​unlock schedule remotely. 

Complete Coverage for Financial Services

From robberies to hold-up situa­tions, financial workers can experience many risks of violence in your operation. Consider the following solutions for life safety and security in your business. 

Panic Buttons: Employees can activate a hold-up button if an emergency arises. The button activates the verified technology so our operators can verify it is a true alarm and not mistakenly pressed. Bates Security’s intrusion protection can integrate with panic buttons and can be strate­gi­cally placed throughout the bank.. Schedule a conver­sation to talk more about panic buttons in your workplace.

Video Surveil­lance: We protect and monitor movement inside and out. Bates Security has the latest technology including ATM cameras, cameras to capture license plate number, facial recog­nition and much more.