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Protect Your Community with Temper­ature Detection Cameras

As we’re transi­tioning into another wave of COVID-19 threat­ening our commu­nities, it is crucial for businesses and insti­tu­tions to keep their employees and clients safe. One common symptom is a low-grade fever. Some businesses and schools have opted to use a handheld thermometer to gage temper­a­tures, but is there a safer alter­native? By using a Bates Security temper­ature measurement solution, we can regulate buildings of individuals where elevated body temper­ature is detected, for a healthier environment. Temper­ature Detection technology has enhanced video surveil­lance so patient privacy can remain safe while protecting HIPAA regulations.

Benefits of Temperature Detection Cameras

  • High Efficiency—Wide-coverage and multi-person detection to have a faster and more efficient way of health screening.
  • Eliminate Person-to-Person Contact—Automatic screenings that save workload and reduce risks.
  • Profes­sional Support—You will have 24/7 support with Bates Security to ensure your business is operating as safe and secure as possible. We install and make sure you and your team have adequate training to help keep your system running well.

Meeting HIPAA Regulations

By using temper­ature detection technology, video surveil­lance has made it possible to use without violating patient privacy or HIPAA regula­tions. The cameras identify anything with a higher body temper­ature but not the individual person. For example, the camera distin­guishes the temper­ature of each person in view but does not tie any personal infor­mation to identify a person such as name, address, phone number or any other information.

Healthcare environ­ments and other businesses have safer and healthier environ­ments by screening staff, patients and visitors upon entry. Business owners and employees can take their company’s response to operate a healthier community.

**Disclaimer: Temper­ature Detection Solutions are not FDA-cleared or approved. The Solution should not be solely or primarily used to diagnose or exclude a diagnosis of COVID-19 or any other disease. Elevated body temper­ature should be confirmed with secondary evalu­ation methods (e.g., an NCIT or clinical grade contact thermometer). Users, through their experience with the Solution in the particular environment of use, should determine the signif­i­cance of any fever or elevated temper­ature based on the skin telether­mo­graphic temper­ature measurement. Visible thermal patterns are only intended for locating the points from which to extract the thermal measurement.