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Preparing Your Home for Fall in Kentucky

It is getting darker earlier and the leaves are changing color. Though the summer weather may still be teasing us, now is the time to check your house and prepare for hazards the fall and winter seasons may bring. 

A little prepa­ration now can save costly damage later.

Outside Your Home

Check your roof for shingles that may be loose, damaged, or missing. If you can, safely climb up a ladder for a better view. If you have a flat roof, you may need to clean it off. Check the sides of your house for any places that need repair. Now is a great time to clean the gutters of any debris or leaves.

If you have a wood burning fireplace and use it often, have a profes­sional come out to clean and inspect it. There are many reputable options in Lexington to provide thorough service for the bluegrass.

Be sure to check trees for damaged and/​or dead branches. Trim back bushes and rake leaves to keep your windows and walkways clear.

Remember to put away or cover your summer furniture to keep it looking nice. If you are storing anything in your shed, this may be the time to get home security cameras installed to keep an eye on your mower, weed eater and other valuables.

If you do not already have one, consider installing a front door light with motion detection. This will not only light the way for you to find keys now that that you may be arriving home after dark, but also deter burglars who may wonder around your home at night.

Inside Your Home

Check for drafts near windows and doors. A lit candle works great to find drafts, just look for it to flicker. If there is a draft, it is time to reseal and repair caulking in the door and window frames. For drafty windows, consider a heavy or insulated drape. 

Have a profes­sional come out to check your heating efficiency, test for leaks and change filters on your furnace. Most profes­sionals can also test your air for carbon monoxide.

If you have gas heating, be sure to cover your outdoor HVAC unit once you have powered it down for the season. If you use window units, you may want to remove or cover them as well.

Since the Kentucky weather is unpre­dictable, you may want to consider a program­mable thermostat to regulate the temper­ature in your home while you are away and reduce energy costs. Bates offers a great program­mable thermostat that you can connect to your security system. You can also connect it to your phone for complete ease of use!