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Join Us in Giving Back and Get So Much More

Hands holding a piece of paper with give written on it

To whom much is given, much is expected,” is an ancient philosophy many people live by. As someone who is living and actively taking part in a community, giving back to that community is essential. However, this phrase has gotten a lasting miscon­ception. Many people believe that the only people who should give back to commu­nities are those who are rich, people who have left the community, made it”, and then returned. That is far from reality. The truth is everyone can give back in their own ways. Here are five ways donating your money, time, or talents can not only benefit your community, but also yourself. Please join our Bates team in giving to the Red Cross this holiday season. We are so grateful to be part of your community and we are excited to contribute to this important non-profit during the holiday season.

1. Giving back can help boost your mental health and others.

During this holiday season, in a pandemic, times can seem very bleak to those who have been struck hard by COVID-19. Whether it is lost jobs, sickness, financial insecurity, or even housing insecurity, times like this are full of mental health struggles. One of the benefits of giving back to your community helps your mental health with a boost of serotonin, but giving back will help alleviate these stressors for someone else. Studies have shown that those who spend more time volun­teering develop a greater sense of purpose in life, thereby changing their outlook entirely. In fact, this year, the Bates management team offered a paid day off work to any employee who wanted to go out into the community to volunteer. And many have taken advantage of that new policy! 

Many people describe their lives as constantly chasing purpose, which can cause mental fatigue or even depression. They are tired of the cycle they are in, the routines they are stuck with. Giving back to the community, however, gives you a greater sense of purpose. You wake up each day, knowing you are about to do something meaningful. 

2. You’ll learn about what it feels like to be part of a community.

Life can feel so lonely when we focus solely on our problems. Sometimes our minds get so clouded with our struggles that we tend to look past the community we live in. However, the community is much more than just a collective of people living together.

Learning what it is like to be an active part of your community gives you a sense of unity and passion for the good of everyone in that community. Moreover, it means fighting for a safer, more peaceful, and more united experience for the community, including yourself.

3. Your expertise and talents are a gift!

Every community member brings something different to the table. Whether it’s a skill you learned from your childhood like weeding a lawn, sewing, or knitting, or cooking. Or something you learned from your occupation like installing security measures, you have valuable skills! Your talents are gifts to your community, and you should share them!

4. Giving provides new learning opportunities.

Whether you learn more about how your community is handling COVID-19, or discov­ering how to shop for children in homes where there’ll be no Christmas, giving back to the community teaches you many things about many different subjects. Sometimes giving back will spur you to identify a problem you see in the community and give you the networking connec­tions to devise an action plan for the solution or even fund your very own program. Working with other volun­teers and organi­za­tions expands your mind and reach.

5. Giving back broadens your perspective.

Even during these difficult times, some of us have fared better than others. Many of us have safe places to quarantine if need be, a paycheck that will cover the neces­sities, and emergency budgets if the worst happens. We have constant access to food, water, shelter, and clothing. However, the reality is a lot of people don’t have that. As the number of cases climbs, so does the number of people affected. When we make it our mission to give back, we gain a new perspective. We realize that many people in our community are strug­gling in ways we can’t under­stand until we’ve lived their struggle. Furthermore, the experience opens our eyes to what the real world is outside of our personal bubble. All of a sudden, the frustration with wearing a mask for a few hours seems small in comparison.

How to help.

Bates Security has partnered with the Red Cross to donate to those who are in need during this tough holiday. If you would like to donate, please click the link below. All proceeds will go directly to the betterment of our commu­nities this holiday season.

With gratitude, the entire Bates Security family wishes you and your family a safe, healthy, and fun-filled holiday season. Be well.