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Indus­tries that Need Security Upgrades

Security is a key impor­tance for all businesses; hence, most businesses already have security systems installed. As time evolves, criminals have learned new ways of breaking into businesses to get what they want. The technology that should be protecting your business from advanced criminals should be just as upgraded.

Often, business owners realize their security system needs updated after a security contra­vention. If you work in one of the following indus­tries and haven’t updated your security system in a while, it may be time to consider an upgrade for the protection over your facility and employees. 

Professional Offices

Small businesses, health care facil­ities or other profes­sional offices are suscep­tible to risks involving workplace violence, stolen money and infor­mation theft.

Security cameras that may be installed in these businesses currently can record what is happening but usually no one sees the footage until the crime has happened. It is more beneficial to have someone monitoring real-time so the criminals can be stopped before crimes occur.

Property Management

Property containing buildings, apart­ments and houses are usually protected by a simple key and lock system. The safety of your facility and tenants is a factor to consider when debating security systems. Access Control can be a critical tool when securing your business and autho­rizing users’ access.

Having a monitored alarm and video system installed at your property will protect your business from theft, fire, vandalism and other expensive crime restora­tions. Upgrade to alarm and video systems to either deter criminals away or detect them when attempting a crime. 

Retail Stores

Owning a retail store, of any type, can come with several threats on a daily basis of theft, shoplifting, burglaries and more.

A DIY camera that you can check at the end of the day may have been enough for your workplace, but this is no longer the case. A simple lock and key are not equipped for the criminals in our society. Installing the right measures can make it difficult for retail theft from happening. 

Bates Security offers a complete customized security system personalized to your specific needs. Contact us today for your free consultation.