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Elevator Emergency Phone Monitoring Solutions With Cellular Technology

The days of elevators being connected to landlines for emergency situa­tions are quickly coming to an end. There’s a new, more efficient solution that’s sending POTS (plain old telephone service) into obsoles­cence: cellular technology. That’s right — just as cell phones made landlines obsolete, the very same technology is now coming for elevators, and Bates Security is ready to make it possible.

If your business or commercial property has an elevator, here’s what you need to know:

  • What is elevator emergency phone monitoring?
  • Why choose elevator emergency phone monitoring?
  • How can Bates Security help?

By upgrading your eleva­tor’s emergency phone away from a tradi­tional landline, you ensure reliable emergency commu­ni­cation at a fraction of the cost.

Protect Your Elevators With Bates Security

Boost your business security by investing in elevators with modern emergency phone monitoring provided by Bates Security. We'll show you exactly why our business security services are award-winning.

What Is Elevator Emergency Phone Monitoring?

While elevators generally run as expected, emergencies can arise. Whether the power goes out and leaves passengers stuck between floors or something goes wrong with the elevator itself, it’s critical that those within it have a way to reach out for help. In fact, having an emergency commu­ni­cation system in elevators is mandatory in the United States.

All emergency commu­ni­cation systems in elevators must meet certain require­ments to remain up to code, including:

  • Offer two-way communication
  • Are operated hands-free
  • Operate 24/7
  • Have an individual backup power source in case of power outages
  • Have audible and visual signals
  • Be tested and maintained regularly
  • Have video elevator monitoring that allows all passengers to be seen by autho­rized personnel. 

Cellular commu­ni­cators are quickly becoming the POTS replacement, providing affordable, acces­sible, and code-compliant commu­ni­cation in case of an emergency. If you’re looking for a landline or VOIP alter­native for your elevator security, look no further than our cellular technology.

Why Choose Elevator Emergency Phone Monitoring?

We’ve already estab­lished that elevator emergency phone monitoring is necessary to remain code-compliant. However, that’s far from the only benefit you’ll see when you switch to a cellular commu­ni­cator with Bates Security.

  • Passenger safety: The primary purpose of emergency phones in elevators is to keep people safe. If your elevator has passengers inside when it stops working, they need a way to call for help. Your eleva­tor’s emergency phone gives them the lifeline to get it.
  • Improved building management: Cellular devices can be installed quickly by a lift engineer and activated as soon as they’re installed. They’re also less likely to fail inspec­tions, keeping property management and security simpler.
  • Faster emergency response: These systems allow for automatic call routing to ensure all calls make it to the appro­priate department or responder.
  • Acces­si­bility: These systems provide improved acces­si­bility, including the ability to display visual messages for those who can’t use a phone, as well as two-way video commu­ni­cation and tactile buttons. They’re designed to allow all people, regardless of ability, to use them.
  • Cost efficiency: Inflation has hit POTS lines signif­i­cantly. Since 2005, POTS lines have gone up in cost by 27%, while wireless service, on the other hand, has decreased by 50%. You don’t have to do the math to see that wireless service is the more affordable option.
  • Relia­bility: Because our cellular commu­ni­cators can operate indepen­dently even when the building loses power, you know that you’re getting reliable emergency commu­ni­cation. Before we even install the commu­ni­cator, we test your coverage to ensure you get the best signal strength possible.
  • Hassle-free integration: Telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions companies used to have to install landlines to integrate with an eleva­tor’s emergency phone. This is no longer the case with cellular communication.

How Can Bates Security Help?

If you’re ready to upgrade your property’s elevator emergency phone monitoring system, Bates Security is here to help. We ensure reliable service right from the beginning by testing the signal strength in your eleva­tor’s location.

Plus, when you partner with Bates Security, we handle all the heavy lifting. We have multiple carrier agree­ments, so you don’t have to worry about managing yet another service provider. Feel free to reach out and ask any questions you may have about your commercial property security.

Ready to Improve Your Elevators? Call Bates Security.

At Bates Security, we pride ourselves in providing custom security systems and business security services. We'll keep your property, including your elevators, secure with 24/7 wireless monitoring provided by our police-trusted security team.