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Coron­avirus Preven­tative Measures

Your need for security does not stop during difficult times, and neither do we.

As a company in the life safety business, we are always working to help keep you and our employees safe, healthy and protected. We are monitoring and following all guide­lines set by the CDC, national and local governments.

Continuing to Deliver for You

As companies prepare for changes to regular business opera­tions, they should also consider how their security systems can help mitigate risks in the wake of COVID-19. Our security consultant teams are ready to respond if you have any needs.

Our Technicians and Sales Force

We’re taking care of our techni­cians and sales­people by asking all team members who may be sick to stay at home. Additional safety and cleaning supplies have been distributed to our teams with instruc­tions for increased precau­tions before entering your home or business.

With our industry experience and compre­hensive training, we are able to antic­ipate your security needs and provide solutions during a time of social distancing. From visual commu­ni­cation apps, the use of Google Earth and the ability to survey your facility’s perimeter without in-person contact, we are uniquely prepared to support your needs.

We are also hosting remote meetings and demos of our services and are able to answer any questions you may have. Now is the time to plan for change. We are here to help.

March 20, 2020: An Update for Bates Security Customers

As the Coron­avirus (COVID-19) continues to impact our commu­nities, we are continuing to monitor and follow guidance from the CDC, national and local govern­ments. During this challenging time we are committed to maintain our services for our customers as normal. At this time, we are utilizing technology to allow employees to work remotely but our phone numbers, emails and other contact infor­mation remains the same.

24/7 Monitoring, Service and Installation

We expect no inter­rup­tions to our monitoring services or to any of our support services for our customers. We are taking extra precau­tions to avoid disrup­tions to our business opera­tions and remain confident in our teams, infra­structure and ability to maintain our services.

Service, Installation and Sales Personnel

Currently we are still able to perform service and instal­lation work and our sales team remains available to assist anyone with additional security/​safety needs. All personnel visiting homes and businesses have been given instruc­tions on how to maintain proper social distancing and have been provided safety and cleaning supplies with instruc­tions for increased precau­tions you may request before entering your home or business. Employees are asked to maintain distance from our customers and each other as well as not to make any physical contact.

We are directing all employees who may be sick to stay at home and notify their doctor. We are also asking our customers to notify us if they feel sick, have been in contact with anyone who may have been exposed to COVID-19, or have traveled recently so we can take the necessary precau­tions prior to visiting any homes or businesses.

If you are not comfortable having one of our employees in your home or business, please say so and no questions will be asked. We want to be conscious of any concerns you have so please feel free to ask any of our team anything you have questions about.

Stay healthy and let us know if there is anything we can do to be of assistance.


Your Team at Bates Security

March 13, 2020

As the country faces a new and serious health concern with the coron­avirus (COVID-19), we want to ensure our customers that we are monitoring the situation closely. Providing our customers peace of mind is our top priority, and part of that is ensuring that we keep our customers and our team safe.

Bates Security is taking a proactive approach regarding recom­men­da­tions set by the World Health Organi­zation, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Kentucky Department of Public Health. The steps we have taken include (but are not limited to):

  • Increased commu­ni­cation regarding the situation, as well as preven­tative care education
  • Increased our efforts to encourage hygiene best practices
  • Providing assur­ances that employees can and should stay home if they believe they are sick or have been exposed

Our mission is to be prepared and to support our customers and employees 24/7 to protect what matters most!